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Dallas Divorce – Inappropriate Photograph(s)

Maybe for your entertainment, but I thought I would pass this one along. In divorce cases we often get, how to say, “nudies.” Is that how you spell that? Photographs of a spouse in a “revealing position.” The use or threat of use of these...

An Affair – How to Manage the Affair

Affairs & Divorce: How to Manage Your Partners Affair: While an affair constitutes the most devastating event for a relationship short of death, there are two potential positive outcomes: Reconciliation can lead to a significantly stronger relationship, or the...

Dallas Divorce – Court News

Not mine, but it is worthy: I had a divorce that tanked while we were in court for the prove-up. The wife decided that she wanted “the dog”. The husband informed her that “the dog” had died a couple of years before. The wife called him a liar...